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Transform Your Sales Life: Discover Your Hidden Potential Today.

"You do not move ahead by constantly looking in the rearview mirror. The past is a rudder to guide you, not an anchor to drag you. We must learn from the past but not live in the past."
Warren W. Wiersbe.

This quote brings to life the importance of balancing our relationship with the past. It suggests that while the past can provide valuable lessons and guidance, like a rudder steering a ship, it shouldn't hold us back or dictate our present and future actions, like an anchor dragging us down.

While our past shapes us, it should not define our future. By learning from past experiences without being anchored by them, we can move forward with clarity and purpose.

Growing your sales is about learning from the past but not living in the past.

Transforming your sales life starts by:

  1. Becoming teachable: A teachable attitude is essential. You must become open to learning and adapting. You must recognize that every experience, good or bad, offers valuable insights.
  2. Embracing Change: This means viewing change as an integral part of growth. Embracing change rather than resisting it allows you to stay adaptable and resilient amid new challenges.
  3. Seeking Improvement: The focus must always be on constant and consistent improvement. You must commit to always be seeking ways to enhance your skills and strategies.

It's human nature to review our past. After all it's what has led us to where we are today.

Let's face it, our sales past is familiar. We know what happened, however; our sales future is uncertain and full of the unknown.

Henry David Thoreau so eloquently said,

“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

I'm concerned that many in sales have become stagnant. They've fixated themselves on the past, better yet, cemented themselves looking into the rearview mirror.

They've become prisoners, trapped within their past success, hoping and praying their past success will catapult them into the future.

The way it was is not the way it will be.

Sales growth nor transformation doesn't occur looking through the rearview mirror of past sales success.

We all know the business world is competitive and chaotic.

To thrive in this hyper-competitive and rapidly changing environment you must take charge, rise-up and double-down on yourself.

One of my favorite rock bands growing up was Boston. Over 40 years later the lyrics within this song are as relevant today as ever.

It's a new horizon and I'm awakin' now
Oh I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin'
The clouds are breakin'
Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play

How can you possibly see yourself in a brand-new way when you're allowing your past sales success to stunt your future sales growth?

What do you think could happen to your sales results if you consistently looked forward as opposed to reliving your sales past?

Our past is familiar. Our past is comforting. However, our past is sometimes numbing. The past is called the past for a reason. The future is unknown, scary and nerve racking. Growth happens when we stretch our minds and challenge our abilities.

“Focusing on your history robs you of your destiny”
Bishop T.D. Jakes

You must start winning the war in your mind. A growth fueled mindset will future proof your sales career.

The business world is constantly changing. The same can be said for your clients and your community.

A simple and straightforward question... Have you changed?

If what you see in the sales rearview mirror causes you to never change, then you’ve parked yourself in the past.

To transform your sales life, you must shift yourself into overdrive. You must place your foot all the way down on the gas pedal, driving your career forward, as you stay focused steering your sales career inside the relevancy fast lane.

Your sales growth is an inside outside job. Are you willing to unlock your potential?


“The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his identity.”
Tony Robbins

This emphasizes that personal power and influence stem from internal consistency rather than external factors.

The key to making a significant impact lies in deeply understanding yourself and living in accordance with that understanding.

This alignment drives personal fulfillment, inspire others, and potentially creates meaningful change in the community, but now think about the impact this could have on your clients.

Authenticity and clarity of purpose breeds confidence.

When people are true to themselves, they often exude a natural confidence that can be incredibly compelling.

Our first mirror moment:

What sets you apart?

Why should people (think about your clients and future clients) choose you?

Why should they learn from you?

Why should they listen to you?

Why should they do business with you?

Why should have conversations with you?

What specific set of skills, traits and heart set are you bringing to the forefront that allows you to stand out from the other salespeople out there?

Here's the litmus test:

  • Am I reading to feed my brain?
  • Am I making a difference?
  • Am I going the extra mile for my clients?
  • Am I serving others?
  • Am I serving the cause?
  • Am I developing a deep, genuine concern for my clients?

Unfortunately, way too many of you in sales are stuck looking into the rearview mirror waiting, wondering and wallering around operating in a state of complacency.

What got you to where you're at in sales today will not keep you there moving into the future.

Transformational growth is an intense journey that requires getting real with yourself.

By embracing authenticity, engaging in deep self-reflection, and committing to aligned actions, you can achieve significant, meaningful changes in your life. This directly has an impact to your sales results.

This process not only enhances personal fulfillment but also empowers you to make a positive impact on the world around you. And this world would be your clients and future clients.


How can you become relevant if your focus has you staring in the rearview mirror?

Each one of you are unique and different.

If you can buy into being unique and different, then why do so many in sales walk, talk and act the same?

In this highly competitive digitally driven business environment, it is mission critical to stay relevant, competitive, marketable and yes, desirable.

You MUST make sure that you’re continuously improving and evaluating yourself regularly.

"The longer we keep looking back in the rearview mirror, it takes away from everything that's moving forward."
Dan Quinn

How many of you are speaking and thinking in the past tense?

How does this all tie together? And how can you combat this thinking?

First, start cultivating a future-oriented mindset.

  • Set Goals: Define, set and act upon your goals for the future. This will provide you a sense of direction and motivation to move forward.
  • Visualize Success: Use visualization techniques to imagine achieving your goals, reinforcing a positive outlook on the future.

Second, embrace change and uncertainty.

  • Be Open to New Experiences: You must be willing to accept that change is a natural part of life. Embrace new opportunities and challenges with an open mind.
  • Adaptability: Cultivate flexibility in your plans and expectations, allowing for adjustments as circumstances evolve.

Transformational growth fuels relevancy. This serves as a powerful reminder that staying attuned to the changing landscape of your personal and professional lives becomes essential for continued development.

By committing to continuous learning, self-assessment, networking, and adaptability, you can rest assure you remain relevant and impactful.


How many of you have lost sight of what's in front of you because your focus has been on what's behind you?

Sales professionals are sales hungry. They are lifelong learners.

You must become an educator. You can't become an educator without being a student first.

You must gain a thirst for new knowledge. You need to stay up to date on new developments, always looking for trends and changes before they happen.

Getting uncomfortable, it's okay. Show up very day and be present. Sit with the discomfort.

"You can make excuses or you can make progress but you can't make both"
Craig Groeschel

Excuses hinder your ability to move forward. When you focus on justifying why you can’t do something, you divert energy away from taking meaningful action toward your goals.

Making real progress is about confronting challenges head-on, taking responsibility, and committing to action.

Acknowledge discomfort. Shake hands with it, get used to it and welcome it on the journey to better yourself.

How can many of you in sales grow if you're constantly carrying your own dead sales weight of the past?

Way too many of you are living in a sales yesteryear. You will consistently struggle with the mentality of ‘that's the way I've done it'.

As we wrap up our time together, I ask you to think about the following:

  • Am I reaching my sales potential?
  • How do I rise up and rise to the top in sales?

I encourage you to take a very personal look at how you define success in your heart of hearts and then find your path to get there.

Meet Dr. Cindy McGovern, 1st Lady of Sales , also known as the "First Lady of Sales." Dr. McGovern is a renowned sales and leadership expert, speaker, and author. She is the founder of Orange Leaf Consulting, which helps businesses boost their sales performance. Her book, "Every Job Is a Sales Job: How to Use the Art of Selling to Win at Work," reveals how everyone, regardless of their role, can leverage sales skills to succeed.

As a sought-after speaker, Dr. McGovern shares her wisdom on sales and leadership at conferences and corporate events worldwide. Her focus on relationship-building, effective communication, and understanding customer needs is transformative for individuals and organizations alike.


Join us in this exciting episode of the Selling From the Heart podcast as we sit down with Dr. Cindy McGovern. Dubbed the 'First Lady of Sales' and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Dr. Cindy delves into the essence of authenticity and trust in sales. Discover the journey from 'Transactionships' to meaningful partnerships and how to deepen connections for greater success. Celebrate the success of 'Selling in a Post-Trust World' and learn how you can get early access to this game-changing book.


Authenticity in Sales: Being genuine is key to building client trust.

Personal Branding: Align your personal brand with your true self.

Communication Matters: Every interaction builds or erodes trust.

Planning and Authenticity: Combine strategic planning with authenticity for successful sales interactions.

Transactional to Partnership: Shift from transactional relationships to trust-based partnerships.

Internal Trust: Build internal trust to effectively cross-sell and provide comprehensive client solutions.


"Selling from the heart can sometimes mean walking away if it's not right."

"If you want to have a never-flowing sales funnel, you’ve got to build a never-flowing relationship funnel."

"Every interaction is a transaction of trust."

"You're responsible for how you show up."

"Move from transactional relationships to partnerships by deepening trust and being authentic."

Get the New Book That Will Help You Sell More... Without Destroying Your Relationships and Reputation! Pre-order Today at B&N and Get Access to Bonus Items! Learn More:

Get a copy of the rereleased Selling from the Heart book from B&N!

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