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The Eight Must-Have Traits for Today’s Copier Sales Rep


The Eight Must-Have Traits for Today’s Copier Sales Rep

Ever-evolving is the world of office technology, being a successful copier sales rep takes more than just knowing your product. It's about building relationships, solving problems, and staying ahead of the curve. Here are eight key traits every top-performing copier rep should have to stand out in a competitive market.

1. Knowledge is Power
You can't sell what you don’t understand. Copier reps need to be tech-savvy and up-to-date on the latest models, firmware updates, and cloud services. Your clients rely on you to make sense of the technical jargon and offer solutions that fit their workflow.

Who has a better chance of winning?  The rep that knows little about the devices and solutions they sell or the rep that eats, sleeps and breaths their devices and services?

2. Listening Like a Pro
It’s easy to pitch features and specs, but the real magic happens when you listen to your customer’s needs. The best reps don’t just sell; they solve problems. Whether it's a cost-saving initiative or workflow automation, listen first, pitch second.

Believe it or not, there are certain magic words you can say that can help you secure the order.  The words are no brainers to pick up on, however if you're not listening those words will pass you by.

3. Problem Solving Skills
Office tech can be overwhelming for end-users. A copier rep worth their salt knows how to make complex systems simple and can troubleshoot issues without breaking a sweat. Your ability to resolve pain points quickly will make you indispensable.

To address a client's pain points, you first need to uncover them. Not every client will openly share their challenges, but by being persistent and asking thoughtful discovery questions, you'll eventually find the key to their needs

4. Persistence Pays Off
Let’s be real—copier sales aren’t always smooth. There will be closed doors, cold shoulders, and deals that feel like they're slipping away. But persistence, when done tactfully, is key. Follow up without being pushy and always be ready to offer value in every interaction.

Sometimes a thoughtful email or voice mail messages means everything.  Like these.

  • hope you're having a great day
  • how is your summer going?
  • did you have a chance to get outside today, it's awesome

5. Adaptability is Key
The world of office technology isn’t what it was 10, 5, or even 2 years ago. The shift to cloud-based solutions and digital transformation means copier reps need to evolve. Being adaptable and open to change will keep you ahead of the competition and relevant to your clients.

Change is good, there is not need to be like everyone else.  Be different, be creative and ask if you don't know the answer.

6. A Customer-First Mentality
Long gone are the days when copier reps were just about selling hardware. Today, it's about partnerships. The reps who succeed are the ones who take a customer-first approach, offering long-term solutions rather than quick fixes.

Find something that you have in common with your client.  Use your eyes and ears to find out what that might be.  People truly love sharing things with others.  Instead of pitching your services ask the client how are things are going with their business. Then lead into what's working and not working, once you've completed this the client will view you in a better light.

7. Strong Communication Skills
You might know everything about the latest multi-function printer, but if you can’t communicate that clearly, it won’t matter. Whether you're delivering a pitch or troubleshooting over the phone, the best copier reps communicate with confidence and clarity.

Use stories from your accounts that have experienced similar issues or pain points. Lead the client through the process of how you and your company succeeded in helping those clients.

8. Tenacity with Integrity
There’s a fine line between being persistent and being pushy. The best reps know how to be tenacious without compromising their integrity. Always keep the customer’s best interest in mind and deliver on what you promise. Over time, this will build trust and long-lasting relationships.

Don't be a BS artist. If you don't know and answer then state that to the client and tell them you will get back to them.  No one is perfect and knows all.  Treat your client how you would want to be treated when ordering a product or service.

Words of Wisdom
To succeed in today’s competitive market, copier reps need to go beyond selling features and focus on delivering solutions. By honing these eight traits, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a trusted advisor and the go-to expert for your clients.

The life of sales is a roller coaster ride; one moment you're riding high, and the next, you're struggling to keep up. Currently, I have around thirty opportunities in my pipeline over a span of sixty days, totaling more than $300K. Unfortunately, they're all stalled for various reasons. In my recent podcast/video-cast (Ask Us Anything), I discussed the dilemma of a salesperson when all opportunities hit a roadblock. The answer is straightforward: GO OUT AND FIND MORE!

The Good, the bad and the ugly

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