The Beautiful Compensations of Corporate Philanthropy
By Paul Joe Watson, ESP/SurgeX
Corporate philanthropy isn’t a new idea, but it is often understated. It can be easy to forget that practicing generosity as a company can be good for business. Doing so doesn’t need to be complex or expensive, nor does it mean having a formal partnership with a nonprofit. Here are two examples: Every few months at ESP/SurgeX, our employees donate blood to a local hospital when their bloodmobile comes to our facility. In addition, recently some of our team members helped a local youth football event through volunteering and monetary donations. These are simple, proactive ways our business helps those in need. What corporate philanthropy looks like for each company will vary, and it often has beneficial impacts regarding three aspects:
1. The Personal Satisfaction Aspect
Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." A great thing about helping others is that it makes the giver feel good. When companies make the effort to practice generosity, their employees feel good, and morale is boosted.
2. The Human Aspect
I hear a lot about how necessary it is for businesses to humanize themselves in order to remain relevant. Philanthropy is a great way to do this because the practice reminds clients and consumers of the human side of a business. By doing good, companies show their humanity—that they care about others. This can make it easier to establish or maintain important relationships.
3. The News Aspect
By giving to others, companies are essentially saying, “Look what we’re doing to help people.” And with all the tools digital media provides to spread the word, it’s easier than ever for those philanthropic deeds to become known. If a business’s acts of goodness are disclosed in a classy, tactful way, the company could get some positive press.
Remember, corporate philanthropy often does not need to be complicated or burdensome. If you keep a lookout for opportunities to do some good, you’ll be surprised by how you can make a positive impact in a meaningful way.
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