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Ten Tips to get the DM to Take Your Call "Selling Multifunctional Copiers"


I noticed this blog was stuck on the on out old site, however there is still some great information.

Ten Tips to get the DM to Take Your Call "Selling Multifunctional Copiers"

Digging up leads for multi-functional devices can be trying at times, especially if you're new to the business.

I'm sure if you've just landed a position with a company that sells multi-functional copiers, you've been given a list of accounts to call on. These accounts will consist of existing accounts and named accounts (accounts that you'll need to crack). With the existing accounts, it will be pretty easy to book an appointment, but how about those "named accounts"? How the heck can you get past the gatekeeper to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Right? You could make phone call after phone call... and this isn't a bad idea. My personal approach is if you can't get them on the phone for reasons such as "just stepped out", "in a meeting", or "out to lunch at 4 PM", it's obvious they don't want to speak to you. Here are some of my favorite tips for constant contact:

  1. Put them on a bi-monthly call; sooner or later, you'll catch up with them.

  2. Vary the times that you call: early (before 9 AM), midday, and then between the hours of 4:30 and 5:30 PM.

  3. After you've made your first call to the DM and left a message, send them a letter referencing why you are calling and a letter of introduction. Make sure to mention mutual accounts that they know or do business with.

  4. See if you can get the email address of the DM. If so, send one email and don't become a pain in the ass with multiple emails. Here's a little trick I learned: it won't work for every account. After a few phone calls (not a large account), I couldn't get the name of the DM. I checked the website and all there was a fill-in box for the contact us page. In Windows Explorer, I right-clicked on the webpage and then selected the "view source" code. I checked the code, and wouldn't you know it, there on the contact page was an email address that I could use. Later that day, I found out this was the email address for the DM.

  5. Send something different; be creative. Instead of sending a letter via regular mail, send it via 2nd-day delivery. It will get opened, and plan a phone call for the day after the letter arrives.

  6. If you have some promotional items, pack them up in a box and UPS them along with a letter. Make sure you call them the day they get the package or a day later. I once sent a box of drinking glasses to an account, and a few days later, I was able to secure an appointment.

  7. Go to LinkedIn and see if they have a page. If so, look through their contacts to see who might be able to introduce you to them.

  8. Schedule a drop-off of some kind; here, I'd just stick with dropping off a business card. Do this early or late in the day!

  9. Ask the gatekeeper what is the best time to call Mr. or Mrs. so-and-so.

  10. If this is truly an account you need to crack, get there early and drop off a box of Joe and doughnuts. Sooner or later, the DM will see the treats and ask where they came from. Is $15 too much to spend to have the DM pick up the phone? I think not!

The key is to be persistent; try to be the turtle. Slow and steady will get you your appointment. Fast and furious will only turn the potential client off.

-=Good Selling=-

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