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Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Last week, I received a lead in my territory from our manufacturer! OMG—these are rare nowadays!

Before calling the decision-maker, I did my due diligence and checked out the company’s website. I wanted to understand what they do and how they might use one of my color systems.

Today, I made the call, spoke with the decision-maker, and wasn’t surprised to learn that I was one of four companies they had contacted for a proposal to replace their aging 75-ppm color system. It seems the incumbent isn’t even in the picture. However, I’ll find out more tomorrow when I meet with the Controller.

This will be a net-new opportunity—likely for a 75-ppm color device or larger, with significant color volume. I prepared a few pricing scenarios, fine-tuned my PowerPoint presentation, but I needed something extra. I needed a way to tip the odds in my favor, right? After all, we’re all looking for that little advantage that sets us apart from the competition.

So, I revisited their website, went to the “About Us” page, and found the names of the President, the VP, and the Controller—the person I’d be meeting with. I then checked the President and VP to see if we had any mutual connections. Nothing. No shared contacts.

Next, I focused on the Controller.

When I pulled up the Controller’s LinkedIn profile, I saw they had 240 connections. I was looking for just one—someone connected to me. And there it was! A first-level connection! Woohoo, I thought. Then I realized that my shared connection was the owner of another copier dealership (through P4P Hotel). Damn. What now? The Controller has a direct relationship with another copier company—one with a solid reputation.

I finished preparing my presentation and outlined my key questions, looking for an opportunity to introduce a "tie-down" feature. I know this could be a long shot, but I have nothing to lose, right?

So, here’s my plan for my last question—probably as I’m packing up my bags:

“Oh, just one more thing—I noticed that you’re a first-level connection with Mr. Dealer Owner on LinkedIn, and…”

This is where I’d love to hear from you. How would you finish that sentence? Would you even mention it at all?

Let me know!

-=Good Selling=-

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If he gave you their lease pricing, he'll give them yours. You were right to hold that back and if price is all important, before I gave him mine, I would ask if all other proposals are in. If yes, then I'd ask, "If my price is best, any reason we couldn't go forward", etc. If price is all important and all prices are in, what else id there to do?

Thus, I took all the comments and made zero mention of the LinkedIn connection. I did ask about all of the other players and received.


Names of the three other vendors, machine models, and monthly lease pricing for each of them.  AS predicted price will play the most important part of the buy in, however, I was able to get me and my company to the top of the list (did not give the price yet)m due to the knowledge that I brought to table for automating a workflow process.


Gotta just figure out the pricing now.


Thanks to everyone

Art, I would not ask that question. They may not be in the deal and you do not need another competitor. I might ask however how important relationships are. That will tell you a lot about him.

I also try to see who they do business with to try and connect with someone who I know that might know a c-level person inside your prospect. Just thoughts. Carl

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> On Feb 17, 2015, at 10:33 PM, Print4Pay Hotel <> wrote:
I agree with dr print.  I always ask who my competition is and I know them well enough now to ask which rep it is.  I've found lately with one company the owner has been traveling on appointments with a new rep.  I've been using this to our advantage as the owner of that company is quiet an aged fellow that knows little about our industry anymore. 

Find out who your competition is and if that company is listed, ask how they came about selecting them (since you mentioned the incumbent is out).  Ultimately find out what the decision making criteria is and show them why you're the best.
I would ask him - Who else are you going to involve in this process. If he mentions the name of the owner’s company, ask how do you know him. You may need to ask a follow up question to get to the owners name. If he does not mention the owners company don’t bring them up, you may end up putting that company in play. You never know how well he knows the controller. I might have 1,000 linked in connections, some of them I may not think of using. That’s my advice
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