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One Reason Why I Still Love What I Do!

Don't get me wrong, I still love selling office equipment!


However, my passion is to share information with others with the Print4Pay Hotel site for the Imaging Industry.


A few days ago, I was going through my "Who's viewed your profile" on Linkedin.  I try to connect with all of my second level contacts, thus I sent an in-mail to that person. I was surprised and honored for what that person wrote back, and in the grand scheme of things...., it's in-mails or emails like this, that encourage me to continue what I do with the Print4Pay Hotel and the Imaging Industry!



"Hi Art,


I just wanted to say a quick thank you for the connection and for the p4photel.


I have been a visitor of the site for a number of year and recently joined as a premium member a month or so ago. I wish I had done it sooner, as in the last month the premium section of the site has given me inspiration for two new fantastic ideas that we will be using in the recent new venture of my career.


Over the years your site has been a fantastic resource for me in this quirky industry of ours. I strive to be involved in the industry for the next 25+ years, to help inspire and nurture other through their careers. I firmly believe that the only way to do this is though putting in the extra effort, keeping up to date with the latest products & solutions and providing 'that little bit extra' that the customer doesn't expect.


There is still much more for me to learn, but knowing that there is somewhere like the p4photel to go for help and encouragement is a real comfort.


Thanks again Art, keep up the invaluable work, your efforts are greatly appreciated."


Print4Pay Hotel Member


Note from Art:  Special thanx for the awesome in-mail.


-=Good Selling=-

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