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My Sales Month Just Ended, What about Yours?


I thought this would be a great reminder about how many selling days are available each month.

Since my month ended today I've already calculated that I have 21 selling days for the month of May.  May is a most generous month with no Holidays since I'll end my month on the 23rd.

Thus a little more than four weeks to continue the grind and do the planning.

A great sales person always has a plan.  The start of each month kinda goes like this for me.

  • See how many selling days are in the month, subtract holidays, PTO, and or vacation days.  You'll now have a good idea of how many days are available to get what you want
  • I'm an old dog, and I'm sure there's an app for this but I prefer to write down (yes it's in my CRM as well) the clients in my 60 day funnel. I'll also include comments for net new, revenue, percentage of closing, type of device and GP.  We always want to see our potential GP for each device because this allows me to focus on where I can take from Peter to pay Paul.
  • I'll make check marks next to each client when I contact them. The average use to be 7 contacts, but it's more like 10 in recent years.
  • Yes, yes I know I have a CRM but I'm fraking old!  I make another list of "things to do". It's the list that never ends, however it's the list that continues to reap rewards.  No one and I repeat no one can remember everything that needs to be done when you have a book of accounts. If you don't have a book of accounts then get use to keeping one because your "to do list" will make you and model of efficiency.  Clients love nothing more than your prompt response when a need or question is posed.
  • Yes, I still have an appointment book, but my appointment book is what brings everything together with "to do's", "pipeline", "counting revenue", and counting "GP".

What I love most about the process that I use is that I get a charge out of crossing/completing items on my lists.  I guess that's why I still do what I do because I still enjoy the RUSH of it all.

-=Good Selling=-

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