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Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "The Tag Team Cold Call"


Who remembers Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood?  How about Mr. Fuji nd Professor Tanaka?  If not,  I'm sure you familiar with the likes of The Hardy Boyz and also the The Hart Foundation in the nineties.

If you've never watched Professional Wrestling then you've missed out on some great entertainment. Growing up and then watching Pro Wrestling with my son was always a treat when there was a tag team match.  Yeah, those matches got way out of hand and pinning ones head to the floor just so they couldn't tag their partner was wild!

All of this leads me to a few moments I had with a former rep in our office a few days ago.  That rep had stopped in for a visit and caught me for a few minutes before I was going out for appointments.  We spoke about the cool things in life for few minutes, and I then asked to tell me more about what he sells. As he got more into depth I saw that we could share many accounts.  In fact there seemed to many existing accounts that we could share with each other.

Rather than just asking for a list of names and contacts to call (because that usually goes nowhere after talking about it).  I stated why don't we go cold calling together?  I'll bring up 25 companies of existing and net new that I'd like to hit and we'll knock then out together (tag team those accounts).  You hand out yours and I'll hand out many.  Matter of fact, next week you do a list and we'll hit those 25 companies also!

After a few minutes we agreed that we would make this happen during the Month of July (he's getting married in June).  Yay!

Thus it will be the old guy tag teamed with the young guy for a few fun days in the field.  I mentioned fun, because it will be something different, yes I've gone cold calling with my manager and other reps. But being introduced to many companies where my friend has a relationship with should be awesome.

Cold calling needs to be fun, whether cold calling with a buddy (tag team), or just putting on your best attitude can be all the difference in the world.

Look for other sales people that you know that are outside of your industry and see if you can arrange one of those "tag team" events and I'm sure you'll have a blast and get a few leads.

-=Good Selling=-

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