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'Make a Difference' or 'Make a Profit' with Copier Accessories

A little more than three months ago, I posted up a survey titled "Copier Options & Accessories Survey"

I've been selling copiers for 36 years, and in those 36 years I've always looked for something that would give me a leg up on the competition, or something unique and different that will allow me to stand out from my competitors.

Tomorrow, I'll be adding something new to my arsenal.  I'll be bringing one of these new devices to every appointment, and I'm going to incorporate this device when I have a conversation about their copier security.

Clients have security for just about everything these days, right?  Card access to building, security cameras, network security, security guards, the list could go on and on.

However, for most of the clients that  I visit there is no security for their documents!

I'm not talking about their printed documents, but their blank documents.  Those blank documents can include  letter head paper, checks,  municipal permits, auto registration,  birth certificates, marriage certificates, prescription paper, and the list goes on and on.

But, what security measures are in place that prevents someone from snatching up these blank documents from the paper trays of the multifunctional copiers that they use?  Except for a few devices from a few manufacturers, our manufacturers do not offer "paper tray locks" as an option to their systems.

Thus, tomorrow I'll be taking my "paper tray lock"  to every appointment.  I don't expect to sell one to everyone, but I do want to have that document security conversation with them, because it's going to be a different conversation than all of my competitors that will talk speeds & feeds. 

If I show it, and have the conversation, there will be "x" amount of accounts that will want what I have.

I'm basically an SMB sales rep, no majors, no fortune, no schools, no hospitals, which leads me to what about all of the reps out there that support these types of accounts.  Could one little paper tray lock win you the deal against a competitor for 50, 100 or 500 systems?  After speaking with a few people in the industry, I'm convinced that the answer is YES!  Maybe that paper tray lock gets you one extra mega order, over your competition.

Too often, we as salespeople will take the path of least resistance, meaning we don't want to take the extra time to sell the extra's.  But, selling the extra's is what makes you the most amount of loot, right?  If you're the only one that has what they want or need, you can then name your price within reason.

The last time I bought a cell phone, I was pummeled by the sales person for the "extras", the car charger, the screen protector, the case. Hey, I give them a lot of credit because at least they ask the question.

I'm betting the ranch that if you have one of these paper tray locks and you ask the question that you'll be able to "lock" out the competition, get a few extra placements and make extra loot.  When it comes down to it, the reason we're in sales is because of the loot right?

Copier Solutions Shop is a Print4Pay Hotel sponsor, I urge you to click on the link and see the quality of the paper tray  locks and check out some of the awesome "extras" that they offer for copiers.

-=Good Selling=-

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