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Johnny Carson (AI) interviews Art Post


A little AI fun with Johnny Carson

You're sitting across from Johnny Carson, the legendary host, with the bright lights shining, the band playing a smooth intro. Carson leans forward with that sly smile, and in his signature voice, he kicks things off:

Johnny Carson: "Well, well, well, Art Post, ladies and gentlemen! This guy's been selling copiers longer than some of our audience has been alive! Art, 40 years in the copier business—that's a lifetime! I gotta ask, how do you keep it fresh? You’re not tempted to start selling something a little more... exciting, like—oh, I don’t know—jetpacks?"

Art Post: Wow! Jet Packs, really wish I would have been able to sell those, my sales would have been soaring!  Kidding aside, I treat every day as a new opportunity to sell a copier to someone who can benefit from my services.  It never gets dull when meeting new people and solving real business issues with office technology.

Johnny Carson: [Johnny chuckles softly, leaning back] "Now, I’ve heard some wild stories about copier salesmen, Art. Tell me, what’s the craziest situation you’ve ever found yourself in while trying to close a deal? You know, like someone saying they can’t sign the contract because their pet parrot needs to approve it first?"

Art Post: LOL, I've been in a few of those offices that had parrots, however thank goodness they weren't able to opine.  I'm probably going back 20-30 years old and I can remember sitting in a clients office well past 5PM try to close a deal.  I told myself I'm not leaving this office until I had the signed order. After each question I asked I remaining client until my client offered up an answer, it was sometime after 6PM when we finally agreed to the order.

Another great story, me and my buddy were scheduled to demo a copier at a house.  We knocked on the front door two to three times and no answer. Okay, maybe we need to try the back door?  We opened up gate to the fence and to our surprise we scared the crap out of the guys wife that was sun bathing nude in the back yard.  Needless to say we left in a hurry and never did the demo.

Johnny Carson: "And I hear you're trying to sell a new copier to Greg Walters. Now, we all know he’s a tough guy to impress. What’s your game plan? You gonna wine and dine him, or do you have some secret copier trick up your sleeve to seal the deal?"

Art Post: Greg?  How did you know that?  Guess AI knows all.  Greg is a tough cookie, however getting Greg to talk about his passions first (like bourbon) will open him open some.  We can then talk about the best bourbons is a reflection on the how good our Ricoh products are.  After a few drinks I think I'll be able to sell Greg whatever he needs.

Johnny Carson: [Johnny grins mischievously] "Well, you’ve definitely got the charm, Art. And I bet you’ve seen some serious evolution in technology since the days when you started. I mean, back then, a 'portable copier' was probably the size of a Buick, right?"

Art Post: Yes a Buick, oh man those were huge cars.  Back in the day and before I started in the industry some of original production copiers were almost equal to the size of VW bug.  Some installs would take three or four guys to get a copier up a few flights of stairs. Can you imagine being in a suit and tie in the heat of the summer lugging those copiers around?  However, those were great times and great commissions.

Johnny Carson: "Art, before we wrap up—now, this is just between you, me, and the millions of folks watching at home—what’s one thing you wish more people knew about copiers or your industry? Come on, let’s give ‘em something to think about."

Art Post: Copiers are still machines and they always seem to break at the wrong time, Murphy's Law right? When selecting a copier always look at the total cost of operation, than means supplies, service, support and the cost of the copier. In addition make sure you're working with a rep, of course like me that's knowledgeable and can point you to the right copier for your needs.

Johnny wraps it up with a laugh and a handshake, saying, “Art Post, everybody! The man who makes sure your documents are crisp, clear, and under control!”

-=Good Selling=-

Special thanx to Greg Walters for getting my creative juices flowing with AI

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