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Hey Sales Reps... Stop Chasing Shiny Objects And Get To Work!


Look into my eyes, you're getting sleepy, you're getting real sleepy, are you hypnotized yet by all the social fodder? I've got a secret can you keep it? Take off the dark sun glasses and stop chasing shiny "social" objects!


Hey Sales Leaders... 3 Reasons Why Your Sales Teams "Social" ROI Sucks! I shared my two cents that social has always been a part of sales. It is about building relationships and changing the way people think with a modern set of sales tools.

Here lies the issue...

"Sales reps have been hypnotized into believing what they aren't doing doesn't work!"


Inside the sports world there's a term often used called "Bandwagoner." Do you ever notice how people suddenly become fans of teams who are performing well? Do you ever wonder if they are real fans as they claim to be? Or do you wonder if they're just bandwagon fans? Bandwagon fans are defined as sports fans who have shown no past loyalty to a team, who only support them when they are doing well.

Sales reps are easily enamored! I submit to you sales reps are jumping on the social selling bandwagon as this has become the next shiny object of desire. Sales reps have become enthusiastic, raving fans of the social selling movement. It's the craze, it's fashionable, it's popular, heck they all want to be part of the growing movement.

Let's take one huge step beyond being bandwagoner sales reps. Let's stop the madness! Let's get better at sales! Let's unite to improve our entire game as sales reps!



Who doesn’t dream of sales success?

What sales rep doesn't dream of being known, admired, recognized and honored amongst their peers and clients?

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Is hopping on the social selling bandwagon going to all of a sudden make you a better sales rep? Of course not, let's just get real. Is social selling an important sales tool, methodology and ideology that needs to be understood, implemented and coached to, absolutely!

I firmly believe integrating the use of social can play a huge role in the sales world. The concern I have is over the lack of attention being given to the most basic of sales training or coaching for sales reps in order to help them become better sales reps.

If the core foundation as a sales rep is not sturdy then how can you expect the four walls and roof of "social selling" to stand without crumbling right in front of your eyes?


We're told early on as sales reps that patience is a virtue. However, very few in sales are ever really shown or taught how to be patient. Patience is not something we have; it is something we consciously do every day. Patience is like any other hard-earned discipline: The more we practice, the more patient we become.

Chase the shiny object call patience

Part of being successful requires patience. Patience when it comes to client relations, business negotiations during the buying process, business development efforts, as well as integrating social aspects into the sales process.


What makes you valuable as a sales rep?

Your clients and future clients won’t ever engage in a business conversation nor buy from you if they don’t even understand why they should pay attention to you.

What's sad is if you can't open up a conversation through traditional prospecting, what makes you think you can do it with social selling?

Sales reps have come to the crossroads of their sales lives through years of neglect. A healthy mind and body takes discipline, healthy eating habits and a commitment to daily exercise. Sales is no different, however; my challenge lies with how many of you sales reps make a commitment to a healthy sales mind.

Here lies the problem! What makes you think you can flip the switch, change your habits and all of sudden reap the rewards all the social selling pundits promise you?

Changing habit's requires strong motivation. Patience rewards you with positive recognition, greater sales results, increased client satisfaction and stronger profits. Think of the word patience as you build your brand, your reputation and how you integrate social aspects into your sales process.


"Patience is a virtue, and I am learning patience. It's a tough lesson"
Elon Musk

We fulfill our potential with patience. Your clients, your future clients, your family and your career desperately need the best of what each of you has to offer.

Therefore, building your brand, proactively marketing your brand and your reputation takes time. You can't plant a seed and expect it to flower overnight. Success always begins with patience and your commitment to put in the due diligence necessary to achieve excellence.

Patience is the one virtue that will serve you well as a sales rep. Patience takes time and conscious effort to master, but impatience can lead to your demise.

Please remember success simply takes time. Nobody has ever been an overnight success as it was always a result of many years of work. Keep building on it, keep practicing, keep learning how to use social selling aspects to your benefit; just like you’d build a muscle as you’ll be surprised by the progress you make.

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