It's been a few years since I blogged about how are Print4Pay Hotel partners give back to their community or to their charitable cause.
Thus for the next few days we'll be posting a paragraph or two from our sponsors. Please hit up the like button and please share, it's wonderful that these companies take the time and effort to give back to others in need.
The Copier Solution Shop aka VZ Industries
The Copier Solution Shop is part of the VZ Industries Group a complete factory to produce steel products is ‘at hand’ to help Schools or Clubs.
A nice example is the ‘Dik Trom’ School in Hoofddorp (The Netherlands).
Dik Trom is a very famous personality in Dutch history, who really lived in Hoofddorp, and of which many books are written.
From all the adventures he encountered the most hilarious is him riding a donkey backwards.
When the school needed new soccer-goals, the Copier Solution Shop was happy to help!
Two new soccer-goals, with the Dik Trom Logo, were made and donated to the school.
Martin Hofman
Managing Director
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