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Embracing the Dance of Time: A Journey into Net New Prospects


Embracing the Dance of Time: A Journey into Net New Prospects

Acknowledging the intricate dance of net new prospects in my professional life has been both a challenge and a revelation over the past two years. While I refuse to let excuses cloud my path, I've come to understand the delicate balance required to navigate this intricate web of tasks and responsibilities.

Dedicating Moments:

For those of us already nurturing an existing client base, carving out dedicated days and time slots exclusively for seeking new prospects is a game-changer. Imagine silencing your phone, setting up an enticing voicemail, and immersing yourself entirely in the pursuit of potential connections. No emails, no calls – just the focused exploration of new opportunities.

Crafting the Pipeline:

My previous blogs have often emphasized the importance of revenue pipelines – a lifeline for any sales copier representative. For instance, a target of $60K per month necessitates a robust pipeline of at least $180K, considering the inevitable setbacks of ghosting, lost deals, and prolonged decision-making. To meet a $120K annual revenue quota, a monthly influx of $30K in net new opportunities becomes a necessity. However, it's not about a solitary $30K prospect; diversity matters. Three opportunities at $30K each provide a realistic shot at achieving the desired goal, illustrating the significance of a well-populated pipeline.

Harmony in Marketing:

In the symphony of sales, a harmonious blend of push and pull marketing notes is essential. Push marketing involves traditional methods – sales calls, in-person visits, letters, emails, or text messages. Contrastingly, pull marketing relies on the allure of content. Whether it's crafting engaging blog posts, curating content for platforms like my Jersey Plotters site, or sharing informative videos on social media giants like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok – the goal is to be sought after.

Gone are the days of relying solely on calls and in person visits. The evolving landscape demands a dual approach, with a significant presence on social media platforms. While the tangible results may take time, the investment is worthwhile. Social media weaves a narrative that complements the direct interactions, propelling you closer to your goals.

Should queries arise, I extend an invitation to connect. Let's embark on this journey together.

-=Good Selling=-

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