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Ditching the Polo Shirt Can Increase Your Sales


I needed to get this off my chest because it’s been bugging me for a while. What’s the deal with salespeople wearing polo shirts when visiting new clients—or any client for that matter? What’s next, polo shorts? I’ve noticed this trend more with men than with women.

You're meeting a new client, and your wardrobe consists of a polo shirt (maybe with a company logo), wrinkled khakis, and worn-out loafers? Am I out of touch for believing that you should present your best self on a sales call? For me, it starts with clean, polished shoes, pressed pants, a crisp shirt (with collar stays), and a tie when visiting a new prospect. I’ll admit that when I’m meeting an existing client, I might skip the tie. But has a new sales fashion left me behind?


I’ll answer my own question with a resounding “no.” There are only a few reasons why someone wouldn’t want to look professional when visiting clients:

  1. Laziness: Not taking the time to pick up or drop off clothes at the cleaners. Most cleaners today offer pickup and delivery services, so the only excuse I can think of is laziness.

  2. Cheapness: Not wanting to spend money on having pants and shirts pressed. Yes, it can be an added expense—sometimes around $100 a month—but I know that investing in looking my best is worth it.

  3. Lack of Care: Some reps may simply not care about the image they project to a new prospect.

The First 5 Minutes

Most buyers form an impression within the first couple of minutes based on how you groom yourself, the clothes you wear, your shoes (which are critical), and how you speak. I mention shoes because they’re one of the first things I notice when meeting someone in a business setting. Often, shoes tell the story of whether a person is successful.

I get that times have changed. Back in the 80s, I was the guy going to the office every day in a three-piece suit—the vest, the jacket, the tie, the slacks. I may not have known much about business or selling copiers back then, but I sure looked successful. We hear all the time that people do business with those they like. I’m here to tell you that people also like to do business with those who seem successful. When you walk in well-groomed and put together, you earn a few extra minutes in the prospect’s eyes to prove yourself. Arriving in a polo shirt, unpressed pants, and dirty shoes signals that you’re not a professional. You won’t be taken seriously when other professionals are in the mix.

The Kid

Here’s a quick story about baseball and a kid I knew with a great arm in high school. At the end of his freshman year, he was promoted to varsity baseball. He was lean, athletic, and had a strong arm. In his sophomore year, he started on varsity, pitched some big games, was clocking 86 mph on the radar gun, and still looked fit. But after that year, he got complacent, stopped working out, and gained some weight. By his junior year (the year scouts start looking), even though he could hit 90 mph, scouts noticed his weight gain and labeled him as “lazy.” He never got drafted because of that first impression.

Dress for Success

Yes, I know it’s an old and worn-out term, but for anyone reading this—especially those who might be wearing polo shirts and khakis—it’s time to shake things up. Make a statement that you are the professional who’s there to earn your client’s trust and business. Do I enjoy getting dressed up every day? No way. But I understand that if I want to be successful, I need to play the part.

-=Good Selling=-

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grizzlyadams posted:

I feel like many clients are intimidated by someone in a full suit and tie. You want to relate to the customer and I rarely even see ties in the workplace anymore.  Millennials just don’t care about a piece of cloth around your neck. But I’m 30 so obviously there’s a generational thing here too. I do agree with the shoes though, studies show it’s the first thing someone notices about you. I think a nice polo with a company logo shows your part of the team. 

I can agree with not needing the tie & suite jacket with existing accounts.  At least with net new accounts a suit with no tie is still appropriate.  Appreciate the comment .

I feel like many clients are intimidated by someone in a full suit and tie. You want to relate to the customer and I rarely even see ties in the workplace anymore.  Millennials just don’t care about a piece of cloth around your neck. But I’m 30 so obviously there’s a generational thing here too. I do agree with the shoes though, studies show it’s the first thing someone notices about you. I think a nice polo with a company logo shows your part of the team. 

Buttoned down shirt with a tie or jacket says "professional," "consultant," A polo shirt says "peddler" I don't care where you are or what the prospect says. A "peddler" in a suit WILL make people uncomfortable. A professional consultant in a polo shirt will most likely be seen as a peddler. I know I just skewered a lot of sacred cows but I caution you to not discount what I am saying just because you don't like dressing up. Some of the people reading this are better off in a polo shirt because they really are nothing but a peddler.

I've been an outside rep in both office technology and healthcare/IT.  I am 43, so kind of on the cusp of old/new dress code.  I would say to know your audience and where you are.  When I visit Northeast customers/suppliers I dress how you said you do.  I was just in Texas and I wore an untucked polo.  Sounds sloppy to some I guess.... but the rep I was with who wore a jacket was laughed at by the customer and said "why on earth would you wear that here?"  The rest of the night I was the one holding court with the customers and he was isolated...and I'm the junior rep on the trip.  I knew the audience, he didn't.

When I traveled for healthcare I wouldn't wear jackets when in the hospitals but I would when I was offsite with the C suite.  

I guess I adjust to who my target is on that trip/visit.

It's becoming the norm it seems. I wear a polo if I am in the office for the day, but wear a dress shirt for meetings. I have not worn the tie in quite some time unless it was a major account type of deal. I found that most don't care if you wear a tie or not. I had one customer in a corporate office setting see me putting my tie on in my car out his window and when I walked in he told me to take it off and never wear a tie in his office again because it made him uncomfortable because he wore a polo and slacks.

Shoes though have to look good. I'm like you, I notice everyones shoes and also for some reason also notice everyones type of watch (Not sure why that became a thing for me other than I love nice watches). Not that having a timex makes you any less successful that they guy with the Rolex, but it has at times been a nice conversation starter for me with potential clients.  

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