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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred of Selling


COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred of Selling

The thought of 100 business days working remote didn't cross my mind today until I received an email from Tim (Veep of Sales) with a congratulations of hitting the 100 day mark.  In ten more days we'll hit the 5 month mark and at least here in NJ there is no end in sight. Yay for 100 days! 

Yesterday we were hit with a tropical storm Isaias in Jersey.  I live right at the coast, the ocean is a mere 10 minute walk. I was sure we would get hammered with heavy wind and rain.  We had very little rain where I live however much of the state suffered with heavy winds.  Downed trees, power poles, power lines and three tornado's were registered in the state.  My house was fine and we lost power three times yesterday for maybe a half hour at a time.  By 4PM the storm was gone, we had power, AC and a bit of a mess in my yard.  

Three years ago a bird must have dropped a grape in my yard and that was beginning of my grape vine that I've nurtured for three years.  It takes roughly three years for a grape vine to start producing fruit.  Well my grape vine was enormous and the grapes were plenty.  I read an article on the weekend and guessed that my grapes should ripen in the next 30 days or so.  Isaias wiped them out, tore the trellis out of the ground and snapped the main vine at the base.  Oh such a bad day for the grapes.

I had two appointments today and I'm glad I did because cell service was non-existent if you had to make a local call.  My thinking is that much of the power was cut off to the cell towers and the towers that were in use could not handle the date.  

That first appointment was with the net new client that just purchased their scond production device from us in 3 months.  I had to be on-site with my Dealer TSC from Ricoh.  Might was well bring the big guns and I'm glad I did.  We were there to help with workflow for the one device.  Seems the workflow is centered around and older program that only runs on windows XP.  I was kind stunned when I heard that.  We offered some suggestions, spoke about technology and after almost three hours we had developed interest in a Fiery controller and Digital Store Front.  That made the day worth the effort because the client is having pain with the existing workflow and sooner or later Windows XP and that software package will not work.  Maybe another case of being at the right place at the right time. When the second device is installed we will have added 1M net new clicks a month. 

I had to reschedule my 2PM appointment because we ran so late with this appointment.  I wanted to get back to my office so I could have a shot at hitting my 50 touches today (email, inmail or phone call).  I decided to take a different way home because of potential shore traffic that was piled up earlier in the day. Figured I would take a short cut, the shortcut didn't work and I finally arrived back at my home office by 4PM.   Every road I took had downed trees, downed wires and road closures.  It was a mess.

I managed only 20 touches today, however I was able to schedule two appointments. One for later this week and another scheduled for after Labor Day.

So far I'm still at zero revenue for the week and odds are in my favor to finish at zero for the week.  Tomorrow is another day and that means "another day another dollar"

-=Good Selling=-

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