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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Ten of Selling


COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Ten of Selling Copiers

How could I not write the blog today since today marks 110 business days that I was option to working remotely.  With an average of 22 business days per month, today marks 5 full months.  

It was a terrible morning here in New Jersey. Right out 9:30AM we had some severe thunderstorms come through, by 10AM we were receiving tornado warnings.  Tornado warning in New Jersey?

Like I really need this, and I have no clue what to do even if I saw a tornado (hide?).  Fifteen minutes later power goes out and all I can hear is the repeating siren in town going off for a full minute at a time.  It must have went off ten times in thirty minutes.  Of course it was just and my dog in the house, I grabbed her and we both sat and waited to see what would happen.  

After forty minutes the tornado warning had passed and all was good at the homestead. We finally got back power in the 1PM area.  The loss of power really put a damper on my prospecting plans for the day. However after lunch I worked it all the way until 5:20PM.  What I ended up is with nothing. No appointments, no new opportunities and I wasn't able to move any deals forward with only three days left in the month.

I had an email exchange last night with one of my clients for a $16K order and all they needed was some addition data for insurance numbers for the lease.  Since I supplied that early this AM, I was hoping to have the docs today.  I didn't get them which prompted an email sent about 4:30PM.  I asked if I'll be receiving the documents tomorrow and then out a reason why I was asking.  Dang, I was asking because my month closes on Monday!  Adding another $16k would put me in the nineties for the month.

Back in May I had a net new client interested in a pre-owned wide format or new wide format.  The son and I went back and forth with different proposals and different configurations.  When push finally came to shove the client (son) stated that they (son & father) are putting off the purchase but would definitely get in touch with me when they are ready.  This was about May 26th. Today is August 18th and they were back on my follow up. There was no answer to my call which means an email goes out asap. Just something I always do.  I get an email response from the Father (both were copied on the email Father an Son) that they already purchased a wide format.

Alright I'm a big boy, if you're not going to buy from me or don't like me just tell me. But don't give me some bull**** reason and then I have to follow up to find out that you lied.  There's an old saying in sales that buyers are liars, of course I never ever want to to believe that is true however when something like this happens it does make you think.  People wonder why sales people are so jaded.

Enough of my rant, I just checked my incoming email and I got nothing.  I'm off tomorrow to spend a day with the wife at the beach. Will let the ball travel with the few deals I have going.  Do you think I'll be checking my email at the beach?

-=Good Selling=-

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Art, sucks to hear about the wf opp but those guys don't sound like someone you'd want to do business with anyway.  maybe the gp and $$ would be good, but they don't sound like upright businessmen.  I agree with the buyers are liars mentality, sucks when you get the old run around.  Any time I've started to get that feeling over the last few years I just directly ask.  If I got the shaft like you did on this one, sometimes I send back a chippy email or ask why you weren't considered based off of previous communications.  Always sucks to lose, but sucks even more when you don't even have the chance to show them numbers. 

That customer that wants to know why you're pushing for the deal, I'd be upfront.  Maybe embellish like you're close to another gate/target in your comp plan and with covid, I'm doing everything I can to hit these targets and your order would help push me over the goal line.  I know you're selling in NJ, but people should have some human empathy and want to help.

Good luck!  I'm sure 2020 has more tricks up it's sleeve!   

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