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COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Sixty-Six of Selling


What can I say there really hasn't been that much to write about the last three days.  I think as I get closer and closer to the end of the year these blogs may slow down even more.  All depends if I can pack a few solid orders away there will be much to write about.

November 9th and we had a 75 degree sunny day here in NJ.  How many more of these days can we get?  Anyway it's a pleasure to enjoy and spring can't come soon enough.

New Jersey retreated on some openings today.  Technically we are still in Phase 2 and we've been in here since August.  Today our Governor mandated that all indoor dining and bars will now close at 10PM due to COVID19. WTF does the virus stop being a virus after 10PM?  In addition interstate indoor sports is now cancelled until further notice.  What led to this?  Well 5,000 infections over this last weekend. Personally I don't believe there is anything stopping this virus and we've proved that because almost everyone in New Jersey is wearing a mask.  Good news is that a vaccine could be available shortly.

It's crazy to fathom that in 17 weeks we'll have been under this lockdown for an entire year.  There is no end in sight for New Jersey except for that vaccine.  Our Governor has proven that he will not release his grip until it's available.  The question then becomes if he issues and EO that it's mandatory.  I'm sure that won't go over well.

There's not much to write about from last Thursday and Friday.  No orders in hand however I did receive a verbal order from a net new client for $34K.  That $34K is a mix of content and hardware and those docs went out via email.  There is a hitch as always, even though I'll have the signed order docs the content and hardware is contingent on the completion of the Proof of Concept working demo.  Now I'm just hoping that all of this wraps up before the end of the month.

On Thursday of last week I was also told about another $8K order that might make it in for this month.  I've probably got another 3 or 4 opportunities that have a shot of closing this month but I have to be patient and work through each one to bring them to a close.

Another bright spot I guess is that net new client told me he wanted to add two additional production devices.  They did not say when and I'm going to push the envelope with this account tomorrow and send them the order docs for the two devices. Okay it's my way of a gentle push to see what happens. I either get the order, I don't get the order or I get an objection.  I kind like my odds with this one because I can deal with getting the order and the objection.  Again this is all a part of making something  happen rather than waiting for something to happen.

-=Good Selling=-

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