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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

I'm not sure where to start...., the fact that the tri-state area is closed except for essential businesses, New Jersey is now in the top three of Corona Virus infections, the 8PM-5AM curfew in effect in NJ, the State of New Jersey releasing 1,000 prisoners from jail because they may have been exposed to the virus.
I guess my message to everyone is that every day that passes we're getting closer to the day that all of this will be over. The fact that I'm continuing to work and prospect (not by phone), for the day when this ends and I'll be ready to rock and roll!

Let's all try to focus on the good that comes from this. I'm excited because I can spend more time educating myself on other aspects of our business. I'm excited that I've developed by own constant contact database with 1,000 email addresses. I'm excited that I've had the time to sit down and develop a plan for the rest of the year.
One thing I will not do is to give up, giving up gets us nothing.  Thus it's full speed ahead in uncharted waters and we'll see where this takes us.
What a crappy day here in the great State of New Jersey!  Thirty eight degrees, pouring rain with heavy wind.  Today would have been one of those days that I opted to work from home rather than scheduling appointments or driving to the office.  Do I miss the traffic? No fraking way!  Seems I'm able to get more done at home than in the office.
I put a couple of hours into finishing up a proposal for a decent account for an A3 color device.  At the last moment in pops a competitor (what else is new), the one thing I noticed is that the competitor as offering a monthly billing cycle rather than annual. In my book annual is much better for the client, something I'll write about later.
I also worked on a list of things to do this week. My listed included hosting two webinars, and signing up for two additional webinars that are IT related.

After lunch it was time to put one of my plans in action.  That plan is to use my 1,000 email addresses and start sending a weekly email to those accounts.  I decided to keep in short and sweet with only three topics for each week.  This week I centered in on "3 Tips for Working Remotely".  You can view the feed and the email here.

By the time I finished designing the email and clearing it with my VP it was about 3PM when I finally clicked the send button.  So far results are so so at best. I have a 15% open rate and 1% opens.  I'm okay with this because most of these peeps on this list are net new prospects and I know something like this takes time to develop. It also takes being consistent and I that's my plan.

Just around 4PM I was finally able to log on to another training portal that I'm taking with.  The training is for content management, and this is where I need to be for the rest of my career. It's time for change, change is good and I want to change as well.  I'm really looking forward to getting my certification and hoping I can complete this tomorrow.

More to come...

-=Good Selling=-

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SalesServiceGuy posted:

In New Jersey, is the copier business considered to be an essential service?

Copier dealers, for example, service equipment in hospitals and medical centers.

Canada's largest province, Ontario, declared a State of Emergency yesterday.  Sometime today we will find out if the copier business is an essential service.

@SalesServiceGuy we are being told it is because we provide support to hospitals and municipalities

In New Jersey, is the copier business considered to be an essential service?

Copier dealers, for example, service equipment in hospitals and medical centers.

Canada's largest province, Ontario, declared a State of Emergency yesterday.  Sometime today we will find out if the copier business is an essential service.

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