We're still in Phase One with our New Jersey lock down.
Phase two starts in three weeks and will take another two or three weeks to fully implement. There is a phase three but that seems at least another four to six weeks down the road. Seems I may not be getting back to the office for some time. Full re-open maybe Labor Day? This is nuts!
Today was a day to get ready for the week. I've seen my hours change for the better since I've been able to work from remotely. Office hours were 8AM -5PM and that was such a drag considering the drive time could be up to an hour with traffic. Since working remote every day is now 9AM-6PM and that's actually a better fit for me since I burn the candle late almost every night.
The first order of the day was prep the documents and email them out to the client for the verbal I received on Friday for the color A4 mfp.
10:00AM-11:30AM was training time! IT training is something new for a hardware dog like me. But I'm always willing to learn and I do believe that you can teach and old dog new things.
Once lunch was finished it was time to research and review pricing for a wide format upgrade that could come this week. The DM and I agreed that I would email him the data points in advance of our appointment for later this week. After working the pricing and the savings I only had to wait on the upgrade numbers from the leasing company. They were requested early today however I'm still waiting.
My next project was to review and research for my 3:45PM appointment with a net new client for about $30K imaging opportunity. I knew a couple of items going in like who the competitors are (brands), and the clients needs since this an account that I've been working for ten years. Ya, I said ten years and over that time there's been a few changes.
I knew the device I was going to offer thus I did my research on those models that best stacked up to my device. I found a couple of advantages for my device and then crafted a few questions around those features. Crafting those questions and getting a yes would then give me an advantage because I created a lockout feature.
A lockout feature is something that the competition does not have and the prospect agreed that's something they want in a new device. In addition the client was okay with me sending a short by side-by-side for all of the devices. A good part of tomorrow will be crafting the proposal and the prepping the side-by-side. In addition I made sure that another appointment was scheduled later this week.
My VP of sales called me on MS TEAMS today and gave me my finally tally for May. Ready? $203,833 was the number!
-=Good Selling=-
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