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AI enhanced copiers and electrical consumption

For many years the print industry has been talking about the energy saving features of it's copier/ printer products.

AI is known for much higher energy consumption.

Will AI enhanced copiers consume more electricity for individual businesses or is that more of a probem for the electrical grid operator?

Is AI enhanced copiers going backwards in terms of electrical consumption vs a green environment?

After a few years with 100ks of AI enhanced copiers consuming electricity, the impact on the power grid should be considered.

I suspect that for any AI enhanced copier, this functionality can be turned on/off from the LCD panel or service code.

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We know that many copier features are nice but not necessary.  A lot of the features are marketing related and keeping up with the competition.

For example, users ask me to disable the Anti-Malware features of their copier because it slows down the processing speed of documents.  Similarly, turning on Searchable PDF slows down the transmission of emails especially for many page documents.

I suspect that if AI is on by default, end user customers will not notice much difference for simple copier tasks but more electricity will be consumed.

I also wonder if a copier's AI capability will be built into the copier's logic board or will the copier be constantly pinging some cloud server somewhere creating a lot more network traffic.

Last edited by SalesServiceGuy

interesting.....while at ECS yesterday Mike spoke about the energy consumption for AI, in addition Sam Errigo from KM stated that AI will be embedded in MFPs in the near future. 

I guess turning AI on or off can be an option since many MFPs offer the feature of turning on an off MFP firmware updates.  TY for picking this up

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