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57 Days of Selling "Day 37"


"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"

It's an awesome quote right?  Time to dig in and get things done.

After stopping for a coffee and a bite to eat this AM, I arrived at the office by 6:45AM and I was working before the clock struck 7.

Over the years, I've found that Decembers have been some of my best and worst months of the year.  There's no rhyme or reason, you can work your tail off and still end up with a stinker, or everything you touch turns into an order. Me, I hoping on the Midas touch for the last twenty days.

I had a few follow up emails that I worked on early. Made sure I drafted a note that had my top ten calls that I need to follow up on.  In addition, I keep an opportunity sheet close to the phone and I'll place a check mark next to each one as I make a contact.  That contact can either be a phone call or an email. It's a nice visual to keep in front of me instead of toggling back and forth with my CRM.

I was able to schedule five appointments, however they were spread out over the next two weeks. In total,  I logged about thirty or so calls and almost forty emails (out bound), thus I was happy with the outcome of prospecting.

Remember that statement that I blogged about the other day?  "If you keep prospecting you'll never know what tomorrow will bring." 

I had a call from an existing account that he wanted pricing to replace an old A3 color device that I had sold him about six years ago. In addition he stated that he wanted the system a little faster than the A3 color device I sold him a year ago for another location.  The pricing was needed for his 2017 budget. Which led me to, "when does your new budget year start?"  I was delighted that it was January 1st.

just a few months ago, I would have stopped everything that I was doing in order to get him his numbers ASAP. But, the plan at least for the next twenty days is "to prospect by day and quote by night".  Thus after I'm finished with this blog I'll be developing his numbers. Which leads me to, how can I get this order to populate for December and not January?

My plan is to quote two prices, one for "lease now" and one for lease in January. Of course the January price will be much higher, than the "lease now". In addition, I'll work the numbers for a 60 day deferred payment.  This should eliminate the objection of not having the funds available in 2016.  That's the plan.

With another existing opportunity, I've had a hard time contacting the DM on a regular basis. We touched about a seven weeks ago and then three weeks.  The account is now is lease renewal and from the last talk the DM had to go before the board for approval for the new device. It's been about three weeks and I have not been able to catch up via email or phone.  My plan is to develop all of the order docs, order form, maintenance agreement and lease.  Couple those docs with a short cover letter outlining the savings to order now and send everything via fedex.  I'm sure this will get the DM's attention and the next email or phone call will drive a connection to figure out if this order is going to move forward or flounder. It may work or may not work, but at least it's a plan.

At 4PM, I signed an order for an A3 black device and a small A4 black device. The order was not so easy as there was a last minute player that undercut my cost my buy more than $400.  As Adrian states, they are pond scum.  Never the less the deal is done, time to move on.

Tomorrow is another planned day in the office, need to fill my days with appointments.  I almost forgot, I was able to schedule and appointment for next week with a net new account. That opp is worth about $25K, however don't see that sale happening in in 2016, more like first quarter of 2017.

Amount Sold Today = $4K

Total Revenue to Date = $110.5K

New Opportunities Created Today= $32K

Total New Opportunities Created = $271K

Revenue Required to hit 200K Goal = $89.5K

Lost Opportunity Today = None

-=Good Selling=-

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