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57 Days of Selling "Day 24"


Monday, the bane of my existence in sales.

Makes wonder how many sales Mondays I've had in my sales career.  Thirty six years with fifty two Mondays for each year would mean that I've survived 1,872 Mondays. That's a crap load of Mondays.

To give me a better feel for Mondays I did a Bing search for all of those Monday songs. So far it's been, I Don't Like Mondays (Boomtown Rats), Manic Monday (Bangles), my those gals were awesome, Monday Morning (Fleetwood Mac), and for those of us old enough to remember, Monday Monday (Mamas & Papas). My fav?  Manic Monday by the Bangles

For me, Mondays mean a new beginning for the sales week. If you had a bad week last week, don't sweat it, you've got a fresh start with a brand new Monday!

Early Monday was spent getting to the office on time (woohoo), cleaning up any emails that were sent over the weekend. From their I move to developing my proposal for my 2PM appointment with an existing account. I'm meeting with the DM, and this account has been with us for the last 12 years.  The DM and spoke about a week ago, and their requirements are simple, the need for color, the need for wireless and the need for the system to scan to the cloud and print while not on the corporate network.  Did I say that was simple?  My plan was to supply  a MP CW2201SP with a wireless card, the DM could then use his phone as a hot spot and would be able to scan to the cloud, as far as printing goes, we would use the USB interface for printing. Easy peasy!

After finishing up the order docs (which I use as the proposal), I moved to my Thursday night presentation for the board of a 501C. Since I'm going to be presenting for at least seven members and with most of them being older than me, I figured I would develop a short power point that focused on existing costs vs proposed costs and a slide outlining that the assure parts availability expired more than a year ago.  I'm not a fan of power point presentations, however in this case I think this is my best shot to present the facts.  Not sure, if I'll print these out or not, I hate it when you had out multi page ppt's and within five seconds there is someone who is on the last page.  I'm thinking if I do print them out that I only hand them one sheet at a time, it's a little more work, but I can be assured that I will remain in control of the presentation.

By the time I finished the ppt, it was about noon, I grabbed a quick bite to eat and it was time to leave for my 2PM.  Forty five or so minutes later I arrived, had to check through security and then waited another ten minutes or so.  I heard an "Art Post" from the distance, thus it was my time to shine.  Wait, who is this?  The person calling my name was not the DM!  I was then informed the DM could not make it because he had called in sick.  We finished our meeting in about an hour, the upgrade looks good, however the person I met with was not able to sign anything. Man, do I hate leaving stuff out there!  But, I have a plan to get a hold of the DM early tomorrow and see if I can close the order over the phone.  Nothing is ever simple is it?

The ride back to the office took me twice as long as the ride there, due to the fact that I chose a different route back to the office. Well, that plan stunk because of traffic. In addition, my phone was dead the entire ride back and I have left my car charger in the wife's car.  Yes, my wife has the new car and I had the old POS.

After dinner (I was in charge of cooking), I checked the corp email. Nothing good, mostly junk, but I did have one voice mail.  That voice mail was a verbal for an order!  Wants me to call them in the AM.  This was the opportunity where I did all of those side by sides, NICE!  I do Like Mondays!!

Amount Sold Today = $0K

Total Revenue to Date = $62K

New Opportunities Created Today= $0K

Total New Opportunities Created = $209K

Revenue Required $138K

-=Good Selling=-

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