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57 Days of Selling "Day 21"


"What Type of Day is it Today?" 

Any guesses...."It's a Great Day to Sell Something!" 

Initially, I had three appointments for today, "had" is the key word.  I rescheduled my early AM appointment for an existing account.  We were scheduled for a webinar for AP & AR workflows along with a discussion about the existing MFP.  I was not able to get a history on my MFP in time, thus I had to reschedule. 

My second appointment was a closing appointment, brings the docs, review the docs and get the signature. More on that  in a bit. 

One of the items I mentioned to the newbie aka rookie in the office is that I try to limit creating proposals. I would rather write up the lease, maintenance agreement and sales order in advance. Then highlight all of the signature areas and tag those highlighted areas with little green "sign here" stickers.  I'm thinking the little green  "sign here" stickers gets my point across. 

I've even presented up three sets of closing documents if I'm presenting multiple recommendations.  Assuming the order is a good thing!  I don't mind re-doing the docs because a client wants to add or take away something from the order!

Our resident rookie aka newbie broke the ICE today and signed his first order on his own!  Woohoo!  Awesome and good for him, I can see there's a good work ethic there. 

K, back to the second appointment, I got all of the docs signed and my client then hit me with, we want to get two more of these for the other offices, not today but maybe a week to a couple of weeks! 

See, that's a part of this business that I love, as long as you keep prospecting you just never know what tomorrow is going to bring.  I knew about their other two offices years ago, but put them on the back burner for awhile.  The order was for a color A4 MFP and revenue is about $10K. In addition, I scored with two more opps for $10K each!

Alright, my third appointment of the day, well never came to fruition. I had a call about noon from one of my clients, asking me what happened yesterday. Ok, I told him I had a few appointments, the day was ok and went home about 5PM. "No", he stated, "you were suppose to meet with Tim to go over the specs for a new copier". I was like WHAT!  No, I have Tim down for today.  I went to my scheduler and I had two appointments for them, one for yesterday ( had rescheduled that) and one for today. Anyway, we rescheduled for Friday, and I'm hoping that looks good for an 800ppm color A4.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Amount Sold Today = $10K

Total Revenue to Date = $62K

New Opportunities Created Today= $20K

Total New Opportunities Created = $199K

Revenue Required $138K

-=Good Selling=-

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