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57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 6"


For the rest of the blog series, I'll be posting pictures from Previous President's Club trips.  That should only increase the desire to get there this time around!

You ever have one of those days where something happens in the AM, and then the rest of the day turns to crap?  Yup, happened to me this AM.

I arrived in the office just about 8:30AM after my minor fiasco. I had an email from a current client last night stating they wanted to move forward with an A4 color system.  Thus, I needed to create the paperwork, double check lease upgrade, double check my pricing and email those documents out.  Yes, I emailed the docs because the account was more than a 90 minute ride away and I already had three appointments scheduled for the day.

My first appointment was with a net new client that's in the market for a wide format system. I left at 10AM for the 11am appointment.  I arrived on time, however my client was delayed and did not arrive until noon.  I gave it my best pitch, client is looking to purchase or lease in 4-8 weeks. I shot a couple of trial closes to him and got nothing.  He had his sights set on also speaking with two other vendors.  I presented my value statement and stated I would follow up with a call when the quotes are ready to schedule an appointment to review.  This was the first opportunity of the day, and I'm putting it in at $12k or so.

I was finished by a little after 1PM, and then had to rush to make my 2PM appointment that was more than an hour away.  I finally arrived around 2:30pm and our meeting was centered around gathering their needs for a net new placement of a wide format.  I gave my recommendations based on the clients needs and made the same arrangement for a phone call to schedule another appointment to present order docs and close.  Opportunity two is another $12k

We finished up about 3:30 and then it was off to my third appointment that was scheduled for 4PM.  I arrived to the existing account about 4:30pm, this appointment was with a 501C association to discuss his budget for next year and what the estimated maintenance & supply cost would be for their existing A3 color MFP.   When I arrived I was floored to see that the client had remodeled their entire office, and added more employees.  They had a good year, banked some cash, and my client stated, "by the way, we're looking for another color system, would you happen to have anything used (pre-owned)?"

I stated, "funny you mention that, we're delivering a new color system tomorrow and their trade-in is available.  I'm not going to get into the details for the rest of the meeting.  We ended up about 5:30pm, and it was time to get home for dinner!  Oh yeah!  Third opportunity of the day, putting this one down for $5K.

As soon as I got in my car, I checked my cell and I had a message from an existing client that they had just won a large bid and they too needed something pre-owned and want to move on it ASAP.  There's number four!  I'm also listing this one at the $5K also.  Need to touch base with them in the AM.

Thus, what was a bad day early, turned into a super day for filling the pipeline!

Amount Sold Today = 0

Total Revenue to Date = $2K

New Opportunities Created = $34K

Total New Opportunities Created = $135K

-=Good Selling=-

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