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5 Ways to Use Power Management and Monitoring

When it comes to tackling any problem, the more you know the better suited you are to assess the situation and solve, prevent, or even predict it from happening in the first place. Luckily, in our industry, diagnostic intelligence technologies and the internet have given integrators and their clients access to data on an easily accessible and immediate schedule.


Two areas where IP-connected products shine are in power management and overall energy intelligence. Our ability to remotely view data, monitor power and energy usage, schedule events, reboot/recycle power – whether stationary or on-the-go – all add up to create an intelligent and effective means to manage power. That said, here are five ways to use diagnostic intelligence and remote monitoring to keep a business operational and free from power disturbances:

  1. Power plans - Adequate power protection should already be part of any power plan, but IP connectivity allows unlimited access to the data. In the case of an outage, unexpected failure, or even a massive surge, immediate actions can be triggered, including switching to an uninterruptible power supply for safe shutdown or transfer to a generator for backup power from any location. For energy savings, a power plan can include shutting down electronics at a time when they are never being used, like overnight. Thus reducing Vampire power consumption, an easily avoidable expenditure.
  2. Multi-facility power protection/management – Integrators can monitor and manage the power and energy data from multiple locations through one simple flyover UI. If energy usage is spiking in one location or a significant number of over-voltages are hitting somewhere else, alerts can be sent to take the necessary action.
  3. Power Health Check-ups - Everyday office occurrences like the cycling of office printers or HVAC systems can affect the performance and lifespan of sensitive electronic and network equipment on the same circuit. Diagnostic reports offer data about power activity, over/under voltages, current draw measurements, and more. Through analysis, data patterns showing small, consistent problems can be detected before they become catastrophic, leading to a healthier system overall.
  4. Adjust usage patterns - In many locations, the demand on the grid at any given time determines the price of power. If working with a client flexible enough to run equipment off hours, smart grid products, combined with an IP power management system, can allow you to determine when energy is least expensive and schedule the most power-hungry events at the most affordable times. Integration with an automation system can add to the efficiency with options like auto-dimming lights, and shade controls for smartly dealing with solar heat.
  5. Remote Troubleshooting - Alerts and user-defined actions like auto-reboot have made troubleshooting more efficient, since issues can often be identified and fixed before a client even knows there’s a problem. If a field visit is required, diagnostics can identify exactly what needs to be fixed so integrators can show up prepared and troubleshoot quickly.

IP-enabled systems that offer surge protection, diagnostics, usage/status reports, and the potential for energy savings are creating great opportunities for power management and dealers to expand their portfolio and improve system health and longevity for their clients.

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