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5 Substrate Solutions That Can Help You Sell More Hardware

Just yesterday, I had to chance to visit my guru of envelope printing. 


He produces full color envelopes of all sizes to the trade.  The current process for hardware has been the use of LED color laser printers. 


Business is so good, that he is now looking for higher (faster) printing hardware.


His believes ink is the future process for all printing and has show an interest in the comcolor devices. The comcolors are unique as to they can print up to 120 pages per minute.  In addition you can also connect and industrial envelope feeder to the system.  However, the draw back has been the image quality with bond envelopes.  The quality is flat, and the image does not "pop" as he referenced.  He, then showed me new inkjet envelopes from Relyco.  The images were outstanding! He went on to state that the envelope is manufactured by Mitsubishi.  The one drawback is the cost per thousand, however, he believes that buying in larger quantities and the ability to produce more envelopes per hour will offset the cost. 


Thus I wanted to bring to you 5 different substrates that can help you win an imaging deal.


Relyco is NOT an advertiser on the Print4Pay Hotel. I just like their stuff, they are always introducing new stuff and they are committed to putting ink or toner on substrate.


-=Good Selling=-

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