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3 Key Things Sales Professionals Do To Humanize Their Prospecting Efforts

"Humanize your selling strategies. Learn everything humanly possible about everyone you do business with."
Harvey Mackay  

We live in a world where humans are more connected to technology than ever before. With all of this technology comes an onslaught of information. This massive adoption of the internet and technology into our everyday business life has critically altered the sales profession.

Granted technology has transformed how we sell, it’s also created some monumental gaps. When we over-automate the sales process, relationships suffer and we risk losing touch of what’s really important, our clients.

Learn to drive a human conversation

At the very core, we all crave human experiences and connection. In the age of information overload and infinite reach, the one-to-one connection is now more valuable than ever.

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The need to connect socially is powerful. We crave a sense of belonging as humans. We're wired this way. Then, why do we treat our clients as data and not as humans?

In today’s digitally driven and highly connected business environment, everything can be commoditized, digitized, or outsourced; except for human relationships.


Authenticity, it's making the conscious choice based on accurate self-knowledge. This means stepping outside the shallow world in which many in sales live. Prospecting is not an easy thing to do as we have so many things that distract the mind.

"Sales reps have hypnotized themselves into believing what they aren't doing doesn't work"

Authenticity and being human in sales is a choice. It's not easy, but this is the difference between just getting by and making it happen. Self-reflect for a moment, asking yourself what does it mean to be a human when prospecting for business and relationships? It's hard work. It's looking right into the mirror, asking tough questions and answering them. You're in charge of your own sales career.


All things being equal... People buy from and refer people they know, like and trust. How do you become "this person" with a prospect you've never met?

Answer is quite simple...

You must humanize your prospecting efforts

Why are we afraid of being human in sales? Does it go against the norm? I challenge all those in sales and in leadership to go face to face with your clients and ask them what they crave in a sales professional. I promise, you'll begin to hear.., "I just want a normal, caring human being who truly has my best interest at heart."


In a business world full of empty suits and sales facades, being real and transparent is completely nonnegotiable. I believe without this one can be labeled a commodity.

I sincerely believe transparency and being real:

  • Creates the foundational layers of trust
  • Creates a strong positive relationship where you can build loyalty
Without loyalty, you're a commodity

Being real is intentionally baring your soul by showing the true version of yourself. Many in sales have lost their identity do to fear of rejection, lack of self-confidence, a broken sales heart, or lack of fulfillment.

Being real, being genuine, being authentic... isn't this what your clients crave? Isn't this what prospects crave? The time is now to get REAL with ourselves. Don’t masquerade around as someone you're not. Get to know who you are and show it when prospecting.

Open the window to the real you. What actions can you implement to become more real?

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"Sales reps won't get to the close unless the open up the conversation correctly"

Conversations are the strongest sales tool you have in order to effectively build credible relationships when prospecting for new business.

The way you open up new conversations has a direct bearing on the close. Opening up new conversations, the direction these conversations go along with the strategy behind those conversations; all will have a direct bearing on the close of the sale.

"You never know when one conversation will lead to exponential sales growth."

What prevents salespeople from having heartfelt conversations? Allow me to share...

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A quota breathing sales rep (aka commission breath) forgets about the human aspect when it comes to prospecting for new business. Their craving for commissions is so immense that they drive themselves into psychotic behavior, saying things not aligned with their core beliefs.

Technology is wonderful and technology runs rampant in the twenty-first century but we must not forget to humanize it. Many in sales are leveraging technology as they dehumanize sales. A heartfelt professional leverages technology to humanize their prospecting efforts.


"It’s the experiences you create when you engage that will make the difference"

We have so many technology platforms to help salespeople do their job better and more efficiently that we've forgotten the heart is at the center of sales.

So few in sales are placing their heart at the forefront of what they do, especially when it comes to prospecting.

A true sales professional when prospecting smashes technology and digital all together to humanize what they're all about. Prospects feel it and most of all, they live it with them.

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To be successful prospecting, one must engage, have multiple touchpoints, communicate successfully and add value with their business acumen. 

There's incredible power of genuine, sincere ENGAGEMENT with other human beings to drive sales success.


Your sales life is too precious to waste away. Your future rests solely in your hands. You and you alone decide what you'll focus on. You and you alone choose to be distracted. You and you alone can only decide to take action. This all begins with small steps and a positive mindset. You must commit yourself to consistent prospecting each and every single day without fail. This is nonnegotiable.

You may not see immediate results but over time and with consistent action you will build the foundations of a meaningful sales life.

"Real dialogue, with real words and real listening, is how humans communicate, and it is how the true human brands do so as well."
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I understand and I get it. I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I'm fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects through the eyes of a practitioner into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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I encourage you to find out more about Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

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